On this page we hope to inspire you by providing information about various topics related to caring for yourself or a loved one.
How to be well prepared for your consult in the hospital
A good conversation with your physician in the hospital is very important. Decisions are made based on this conversation that have a direct impact on your health. In previous articles, we discussed why it is so important to share in the decision making process with your doctor when it comes to medical choices that affect you. Discussions with your doctor are essential for this. In order to get the most out of these discussions, it is important that you are well prepared. In this article we offer a number of tips.
A second opinion "light". A good conversation with a medical specialist
If after visiting your own doctor you still need more information, we are here to help. Or, if you can’t decide which of several treatment options best is for you. Hikos offers you the chance to make an online appointment with a medical specialist. The appointment is carried out using video calling so you don’t need to leave the house. We call this a “second opinion light”: a good conversation with a qualified and knowlegable physician who takes the time to listen to your needs.
How to make a good medical choice?
Previously we discussed the importance of shared decision making when making a medical choice. By sharing in the decision, you can help make the right decision and one that suits you. But how do you ensure that you are making a good choice? In this article we offer 5 tips to help you.
The importance of joint decision-making in medical matters
Shared decision-making is about the process where doctor and patient discuss together the medical options that best suit the patient. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option, the patient’s preferences and the circumstances. That may sound obvious, but unfortunately doesn’t occur often in practice. Often this is due to a lack of time and/or resources. This comes at the expense of a well-informed, well-considered and conscious medical choice. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into this subject. Why is it so important anyway to reach a medical decision together with your doctor?
RTL News: Physician launches online medical platform: 'Outside the doctor's office feels freer'
Do you sometimes leave the doctor’s office with more questions than you had going in? Then you are not alone. During two intense pregnancies, physician Jacqueline Timmermans ran into the same problem. She founded the online platform Hikos, where patients could consult with a variety of medical specialists. “You lead someone through all the possibilities the health care system has to offer.”
Published: RTL Nieuws (October 15, 2021)
Written by:Paula Vaarkamp
Photography:Claudia Kamergorodski
'Hikos helps patients on their way, through video consultations with a specialist'
Hikos is an online platform, where patients through the use of video calling can discuss with a medical specialist areas in which they are uncertain about their medical choices. The platform has been developed by Jacqueline Timmermans, a physician and PhD herself. ‘My mission is to strengthen the patient by helping him/her be well-informed when going back into the consultation room.’
Published: MedischOndernemen 3 2021 (October 7, 2021)
Written by: Martin Zuithof
Photography: Claudia Kamergorodski
Opinion: Patients should have more say about their treatment
In the doctor’s office, shared decision-making isn’t working, says physician Jacqueline Timmermans. She is appealing to the Dutch Parliament: give doctors and patients more time for a good consultation.
Doctors and patients are sometimes miles apart. That was painfully apparent in the Zembla documentary about 9 year old Felix. The doctors had discovered that he had a brain tumor. The treatment would consist of chemotherapy, among other things. The parents were more inclined towards an immunotherapy approach. But a good conversation about those differences didn’t materialize. Even though the doctors and patients like Felix, and their parents, all have the same goal: to help and preferably cure the patient.
Published: Trouw (August 18, 2021)